Sunday, October 2, 2011

Internet / Computer Glossary - Y

Stands for "Year 2000." However, this term is more often used to refer to the "Millenium Bug." This bug is a little creature that lives inside older computers. When the year 2000 rolls around, the little bug will self-destruct, blowing up the computer it was residing in. The chain of explosions across the world will be catastrophic, causing global panamonia and LA riots. Also associated with Y2K is the end of the world, which is without doubt, foreshadowed by the dredded Millenium Bug. So, on January 1, 2000, you'll want to make sure you have at least a 5 year's supply of food and water, roughly half a million dollars in cash, and at least 200 acres of land somewhere in Montana. Of course, it doesn't really matter, considering the world will have ended anyway.
Yahoo! is a World Wide Web directory started by David Filo and Jerry Yang at Stanford University.
A yobibyte is a unit of data storage that equals 2 to the 80th power, or 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes.
While a yottabyte can be estimated as 10^24 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes, a yobibyte is exactly 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes. This is to avoid the ambiguity associated with the size of yottabytes. A yobibyte is 1,024 zebibytes and is the largest unit of measurement.
A yottabyte (derived from the SI prefix yotta-) is a unit of information or computer storage equal to one septillion (one long scale quadrillion) bytes. It is commonly abbreviated YB.
YPN (Yahoo Publishers Network) is an advertising program run by Yahoo. Web site owners can enroll in this program to enable text and image advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Yahoo and generate revenue on a per-click basis.
Internet / Computer Glossary 

Data collected From iwebTool

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